We had a gathering yesterday in Charlottesville with nearby faculty. It was a time for getting to know each other and hearing late-breaking news about our voyage from our Dean, Lavahn Hoh. There was also ample opportunity for newbies like us to seek advice from experienced SAS people. Here are a couple of items of interest we learned.
First, we had been told early on that Desmond Tutu would be on the ship between Accra and Cape Town. That appears now not to be the case.
Second, we learned that there are around 465 students signed up, two-thirds of which are female. There are just less than forty life-long learners. (700 students is the maximum, I believe, and I expressed surprise that all three of my sections are filled. Lavahn indicated that he can never predict from one voyage to the next which classes fill. I take mine filing as an indication that we have some students genuinely interested in studying religion. Unfortunately, because my classes are full I won't have any lifelong learners.)
Third, we learned that the coffee on the ship is much improved! It's now brewed not instant, but we were still advised if we are coffee lovers, to bring our own beans, grinders, and presses!
Today, I purchased a five day Eurorail pass for Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany, and, I reserved seats for us to travel from Brussels to Heidelberg, Germany. Our plan is to stay a couple of nights there, rent a car, and visit the villages from where Jayne's Weaver ancestors (Gemmingen, Germany) and my Haller ones (Mattstall, France) came from. On the way back to Antwerp we'll probably spend a day in Brussels, but with the Eurorail pass our travel plans are flexible.
I love following blogs of the current voyage and really appreciate you adding yours here - it's great to get a faculty/staff/LLL perspective as well. If you find out about others in those categories who are blogging, please ask them to post their links here.
ReplyDeleteIf you find my blog helpful, please repost to the faculty/staff Facebook page, since it's restricted.
I am good friends with faculty members Faye and John Serio and Linda Kobert - they will be fabulous! Also Lisa Slavid serves on the SAS Alum Assoc with me and is so talented! Please give them all my best and enjoy this amazing voyage!
Marjorie Seawell