Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lisbon Days 2 and 3

Finally, we got our bus and enjoyed a restful hour and half ride around parts of the city we had not seen before, including an area where the 1998 World Expo was held with its very contemporary buildings.  We discovered that Lisbon can appear both ancient and modern.   The bus dropped us of in the famous Barrio Alto and from there we walked another mile or so back to the ship.  Our feet were tired, but we were filled with pleasant memories.
Two of our favorite things to see in the city are the tiles and the trams.  Lisbon is famous for both.

We had not planned to leave the ship on the 3rd day in Lisbon, but not having had the opportunity for a really fine meal the day before, we decided late in the morning to walk along the river back toward Belem where we had hopped off the bus the first day.

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